Friday, January 21, 2011

It Could Be The Coffee Talking

But I am excited about fostering dogs again. This is Sherman (the tank) who I am pretty sure is a lumbering doofus. I will be picking him up Saturday evening as my Very First Foster since the MINA DEBACLE '01. Celeste doesn't count because I knew she was a keeper when potty-training took two hours. FOR REALS.

I will be fostering for A New Hope Animal Foundation.

What I like about them is that they think it's absolutely fine and dandy if you happen to live with two dog-selective (or just plain dog-intolerant) canines or your dogs are Weird. My dogs are both. For the first week or so, the dogs are not to interact out of the crate with each other. For example, after Sherman has had a few days to settle in, I will bring Mina into to sniff through his crate and get loads of cookies for being her super awesome self. Celeste will probably not want to enter, but she'll get cookies for looking at Sherman nicely.

And if Sherman isn't adopted in a couple weeks, a rescue volunteer will come out and help me introduce him out of the crate to my dogs individually. THEN IT WILL BE ON. I'd say like Donkey Kong but Nintendo might sue me. Celeste will of course hate him but will walk with him politely on a lead and teach him SUPER LEASH MANNERS. Mina will be smitten with him and teach him How to be a Dog and also How Not to Chew On Dogs. She is good like that. She will also teach him how to be Very Bad while also being Super Awesome.

It will be stressful, I know. It's why I'm picking an easy dog as my first foster. In fact, my first several fosters shall be easy! I want to make sure my dogs can handle the stress with grace and a modicum of dignity. Two dogs is hard for me, especially the two dogs I currently have. I don't want a third, but I so desperately want for other dogs and people what me, Mina and Celeste have.

Fostering is both a selfish and selfless act. It's incongruous. You bring into your home an unknown, strange and unpredictable canine. You give them attention, teach them respect (hopefully), some manners, and love them unconditionally. And you hope for a separation that will be painful and joyous at the same time. You give a dog a chance at life and, for me, the perfect moment is when dog and human connect and you know that partnership will last that dog's lifetime. That is what I love about fostering.

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