In other Celeste news, she is being a real bitch to Mina. I don't know how Mina takes it. Mina has been wanting desperately to play with Celeste. The puppy-no-more is not having any of that. What is wrong with her? Mina is a perfect play mate and is also supremely adorable. Celeste needs to realize this and just get over herself.
This is what they should be doing together:
*A word of caution - Never use undiluted tea tree oil, it is toxic and caustic. Do not ingest tea tree oil. Consult a homeopathic veterinarian before making your own tea tree oil ear wash. It has to be diluted properly and at the right level to not cause hearing loss while also killing bacteria. If you buy a commercial brand, check with the company and find out the diluted percentage and their quality of standards.
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