Friday, September 25, 2009

Celeste rules today

Mina embarrassed herself so much during playtime this evening that there is only ONE photo where she doesn't look like a total noob. And it is this one:

But because I so frequently share Celeste's strange and odd looks, I feel it is only fair - THIS ONE TIME ONLY - to show one of the photos I would have normally discarded. She is tackling a toy in this photo. She is so graceful. Not.

Celeste wins at the day, though, because I got this photo of her, which makes her look like a sane, calm, sweet, huggable dog. She is sweet and huggable. Just not sane or calm.

1 comment:

PoochesForPeace said...

love the pics!! I like seeing Mina and Celeste's other side :)