Like this little gem, "How long did it take to house train it? I would say we’ve just about done it. A year. A year of constant work with a ten-month-old dog."
Now maybe this is because the dog is a Beauceron or previously an outdoor dog or whatever, but damn! A whole year? I have no training prowess as compared to Dr. Dunbar, but Mina - an outdoor/garage dog for 3 years - was house-trained in two-weeks.
I don't hold up Mina as the bastion of ideal dog behavior nor do I consider myself all that fabulous when it has come to training her (although we have had three different trainers who all concluded Mina was just a leash-reactive bitch and I should just deal with it). But I do believe each dog is an individual, and I really wish Dr. Dunbar had conveyed that to this audience.
Because when I read the first 3/4 of the article, I feel like no one will want to adopt adult dogs ever ever in a million years.
I like his bit about dog bites and bite inhibition, because people are so in love with dogs but so petrified of them biting. It is such a strange paradox.
More importantly, vintage Celeste shot when she was a PUHPAY!